All About Scoil Aonghusa
Scoil Aonghusa is a co-educational Special School for children between the ages of four and eighteen with Moderate General Learning Disabilities, Severe & Profound General Learning Disabilities and Autistic Spectrum Disorder. We also have one early intervention class for children with Autism from the age of three.
We accept each child as an individual and adapt the curriculum to meet his/her specific needs. Our aim is for students to reach their full potential, allowing them to participate in school, home and community life, to the maximum of their ability.
We teach all subjects in the Primary School Curriculum, with the exception of Gaeilge (Irish). The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment’s ‘Guidelines for Teachers of Students with Moderate General Learning Disabilities: Primary’ and the ‘Guidelines for Teachers of Students with Severe and Profound General Learning Disabilities: Primary’ are used to adapt the content of the curriculum to meet the needs of our pupils.
The subjects taught to all students (Primary) are:
Social, Environmental and Scientific Education (S.E.S.E.): History; Geography; Science.
Social and Personal and Health Education (S.P.H.E.).
Physical Education.
The Arts Education: Visual Arts; Music; Drama.
Students in Scoil Aonghusa at Junior Cycle study the Level 1 Learning Programmes or the Level 2 Learning Programmes. Students commence their Junior Cycle studies during the school year in which they turn 13.
The Priority Learning Units taught to all students (Junior Cycle L1LP) are:
Communication, language and literacy.
Personal care and wellbeing.
Being part of a community.
The arts.
Physical education.
The Priority Learning Units taught to all students (Junior Cycle L2LP) are:
Communicating and Literacy.
Personal Care.
Living in a community.
Preparing for work.
Junior cycle students also complete two short courses.